Orthoptera: Fam. Mantidae, Subfam. Eremiaphilinae; Dr. Ermanno Giglio-Tos
ISBN: 978-1-904690-16-0
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This short monograph was published in 1921, with text in Italian and scientific descriptions in Latin, as the 177me fascicule of the Genera Insectorum, published by P. Wytsman. It contains 2 plates of exquisitely-executed paintings of the main species covered.
"Mantidae" is now available as a download for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.
Format: PDF E-book by digital download. Download size 6.2 MB.
NOTE: This version contains all the plates, illustrations, etc from the original text. A CD-ROM version of the book is also available.